In all of the World there was no finer Circus to be found than the Sad Circus by the Sea — and certainly, there could be no other Circus found, because this was the only one...
The Trinkkits tells the story of two small creatures, a sister and a brother, named Pihtzee and Foosh. They live on an island, on a lake the width of a sea, on top of a mountain the length of a continent, in a treasure box as tall as a planet, on top of the head of a Cosmic Bison who walks across the ice rings of a living gas giant. Here they live and play, sometimes in dread of all above them, and sometimes in joy of all around them.
Here is their first story, called The Sad Circus by the Sea. It will be presented in four Chapters, with each Chapter spanning 30 pages.
The song at the top of this page is called Trinkkits Summer Punch and it's by Rosearik. You can get it here, you know.